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Thank you for visiting Triangle Bible Church on the web.  This is an in-depth, on-line resource of Bible teaching and godly edification as the adopted “sons” of God that we are in this present “dispensation of the grace of God.”  These Bible classes are taught recognizing the principle that “rightly dividing the word of truth” (2Tim.2:15) means that we are to appreciate God has temporarily suspended His program with Israel, and has now brought in a new dispensation of His grace when He saved and raised up the apostle Paul as a brand new apostle for us, the members of the church, the body of Christ.  Therefore, we understand that Paul’s epistles, (in the very order we find them in God’s word), is to be the doctrine for our godly edification today.


**Starting immediately, classes on all WEDNESDAY NIGHTS will be suspended until early Spring. Wednesday night classes will resume on
March 12

At the heart of all of the Bible doctrine taught at TBC is the sonship curriculum as given in God's word. The primary focus of all of our studies is to further educate saints in this curriculum in order to walk worthy as the "sons of God" that we are "in Christ." Learn more

We believe that the Bible sets forth the fact that God is working out a two-fold plan & purpose. One aspect of His plan & purpose centers around the
nation of Israel. The other centers around the “new creature,” the
“one new man,” the church the body of Christ, which God is now forming in this present dispensation of Gentile grace.

To “rightly divide the word of truth” means to properly handle the Bible by recognizing & making the division in it that needs to be made because of God’s different programs. TBC has created an interactive timeline chart to help introduce right division of God's word.

Listen to God's Timeline Through The Bible

Download the Timeline Chart

View an Interactive Timeline Chart


"Satan and His Plan of Evil."
Keith Blades

With these words, the most exalted creature in God's heavenly creation" Lucifer, the anointed cherub" launched his career as Satan, the adversary to God. To be "like the most High" is the object of Satan's desire, and he formulated a plan of evil designed to achieve that goal.
Click here to order this book


"Properly Handling The Word of Truth".
Keith Blades

Sub-titled "12 Basic Lessons to Ensure You Handle The Bible as God Intends," this publication begins with a simple appeal to the reader to honestly consider whether or not he is properly handling God’s word as he studies it and as he applies it to his life.
Click here to order this book


"The Mystery of Godliness" (available at Amazon)
Dave Busch

Click here to order this book


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